A guy took his sick dog to the vet. The doctor made his examination and announced, "Sir, your dog has cancer and has only two days to live. That will be $456 please." The guy said, "Wow! That's a lot, and for such a short examination, too. I 'd like a second opinion." The vet got on the phone to one of his associates, and said "Could you step in here for a minute?" A cat walked in, gave the dog a cursory examination and announced, "Sir, your dog has cancer and has only two days to live." The guy wanted yet a third opinion. The vet called up another associate, and said "Could you step in here for a minute?" A Labrador Retriever walked in, gave the guy's dog a cursory examination and announced, "Sir, your dog has cancer and has only two days to live." The vet said "Are you satisfied now, sir? That'll be $1,584." "But wait, I thought you said $456 before." "Well, yes, but that was before the cat scan and the lab report."